Two adorable little boys had a joint birthday celebration. The theme - Come to the Carnival! This party was organised by ANN Imagination Party Planners*. A lot of thought and planning went into this party, and the end result - a carnival to remember!

Red and white balloons added to the already festive atmosphere. While a handmade ticket booth collects game coupons which entitles the coupon owner a free gift! The candy buffet table was an explosion of colours and sweet flavour.

* If you would like to contact ANN Imagination Party Planners you can send them an email at [email protected]
The Candy Buffet table with countless assortments of goodies.
And what's a carnival without any games? Kids and adults could try their hand at classic carnival games.
And of course, what's a birthday party without a birthday cake? And whatsmore - there were 2 birthday cakes!!!

For the 3 year old - a merry go round cake.
And a special request from the big brother... Megamind Cake!

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